There is UsMy illustration "What Quarantine Looks Like for Me" is on page 45, but don't forget to check out all the other amazing art/writing in the book! SJ Blasko did an amazing job curating, editing, and creating for this anthology!
The There is Us anthology was born from a desire to find a tangible way for small creators to help with COVID-19 relief efforts. It operates using the stone soup principle— many hands make light work, and a little bit from everyone makes a beautiful thing. One creator might not have the time, tools, or enough material to put together an entire not-for-profit collection, but if everyone chips in, a few weeks later you’ll have almost a 200-page book.
The hope is that even while sales from this collection are going to organizations providing much-needed aid around the world, the pieces inside will uplift and soothe the souls of those trapped inside and longing for human connection. In just a little over a month, this project has brought together over a dozen poets, writers, artists, and photographers from multiple countries and all levels of experience. For some, this is their first published work, while others have been doing this for years. |
These creators join together to share their voices in a collection that rings with the truth that while our experiences are not universal, our humanity is. There is more than death here. There is us.